Do you like FREE STUFF? Did you know that some companies will give you FREE products to try out and tell your friends about? Well, it's true! There are several companies out there like this. You have probably even heard of a few, or maybe you've seen my posts on Facebook and Twitter about companies like BZZAgent or Influesnter. If not, that's okay, just keep reading for a great list of word of mouth marketing sites!
If you're not familiar with Word of Mouth (WOM) Marketing, you should be. It is the most influential type of marketing and it happens every day. Basically, it boils down to someone telling someone else about a new product or service that they like. If you've EVER told someone about a new, cool product, you've participated in word of mouth marketing.
All of these opportunities are 100% FREE. They do not charge to join nor do they charge you for shipping the items to you.
BzzAgent is the cream of the crop when it comes to word of mouth marketing. They have the most campaigns and the most members of any of the word of mouth marketing companies. When you join, you become a BzzAgent and your job is to spread the “Bzz” about products that they send you. You do have to take short surveys (less than 5 minute each) to determine whether you fit into the demographic of a Bzz Campaign and you get MyPoints (a cashback/rewards program) for every survey you complete as well as every time you Bzz about a product and report back to BzzAgent about it. You can trade these points for gift cards to restaurants, department stores, travel companies, etc.
Crowdtap is a unique word of mouth marketing company. After you sign up, which they call “tapping in”, you take 1 question surveys for points. Sometimes the questions qualify you for a discussion board topic. Other times, they qualify you for product test/reviews or parties. They have monthly rewards, and I have won tons of Amazon gift cards to buy products me and my family want or need from Amazon. They have some really cool brands working with them such as Old Navy, Listerine and Hawaiian Tropic. The BEST part of this company, though, is that your effort rewards charities. When you join, you choose a charity and Crowdtap donates money to that charity whenever you cash out your points.
They used to have rewards with cash and/or cool prizes (like my T-Shirt I won) but now they’ve switched over to monthly drawings. You can win giftcards and products - so still not bad, but not the same as it was.
House Party is another word of mouth marketing program. If you qualify, You throw parties sponsored by brands! House Party reveals new parties on a regular basis and you apply for the ones you’re interested in. You take a short survey that covers both demographics as well as shopping/lifestyle. Then, they select the best candidates for each party. House Party sends you a kit with enough items for 10-15 guests and then you throw a party and have some fun. This is a really popular word of mouth marketing website and some of the parties are very hard to get into but they are VERY worth it. In the past I got to host a party for Budweiser, and I received some pretty cool gifts to give to my party goers, including great coupons for food to grill at my party.
Influenster is a really fun word of mouth marketing company. They send out “VoxBoxes” which are boxes filled with products to test out and share. The boxes you receive are based on your interests and lifestyle. You take very short quizzes about various parts of your life to earn badges. These badges determine the type of boxes you can receive. In order to receive a VoxBox, you should have some method to “influence” people, meaning that you have a blog to write reviews on, a YouTube channel to do video reviews, a Twitter account, Facebook, etc. They tell you that the more influence you have, the better your chance of getting a VoxBox.
Once you get the VoxBox, you have challenges to complete for each product in the box. These challenges can be as simple as following the manufacturer on Twitter and Facebook or as complex as doing a video review. When you complete the challenges, you earn a badge. The badges qualify you for special giveaways or discounts. The most active Influensters have the highest chance of being chosen for another VoxBox.
Klout is a website that ranks your social influence based on your Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc social media pages. You connect the accounts you have to Klout and based on the shares, retweets, comments, etc you get, Klout calculates a “Klout score.” Based on this Klout score and your influence in specific categories, you can receive “perks.” Perks are freebies that range from exclusive coupon codes to free makeup to even free trips. A few downsides to Klout are that you have to work to keep your score up, you have to make sure you rank in categories you want perks in and the perks are few and far between. But if you like freebies, Klout should definitely be on your list!
Smiley360 is another one to add to your list. Similar to all the other companies, you take short surveys and your answers qualify you for Smiley Missions. These Missions are like BzzCampaigns, you receive a box with the product, usually some coupons and a guide on how to spread the word about the product. For every mission activity you complete such as posting to Facebook or telling someone face to face, you earn “Smiles” and these Smiles determine your level. The higher your level, the more opportunities you receive.
Swaggable is a brand new word of mouth marketing website and it’s pretty unique too! Swaggable sends you free samples of products that you are interested in and you write reviews about them and share the reviews with your friends. You can tell Swaggable what you’re interested in by clicking the “I Want This” button on available products on the Swaggable website. Your wants are then combined with your demographics and companies offer you free samples.
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